Not In my Zip Code


This article Michigan says 38 underperforming public schools could close simply made me want to scream. So much stood out for me, but the elephant in the print was “Twenty-five of the schools targeted for closure are in Detroit, a predominantly black city with the worst academically performing school district of its size in the U.S.”. Why does this issue continue to be prominent in communities of color? They claim that State officials next will determine whether a closure would be an “unreasonable hardship” for children with no better schools to attend. Reading this I thought “Shouldn’t they have done this before they announced 25 closures?” I am perturbed that schools continue to base education on standardized testing. The results often widen the gap between the best and the worst pupils. Standardizes tests do not teach for the real world, and there will always be gaps between peers as education starts at home and not in the class room. I found myself agreeing with Steven Cook, president of the Michigan Education Association, “Simply closing schools and upending the lives of students won’t fix any problems if the root causes are not adequately addressed.”


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7 Responses to Not In my Zip Code

  1. juliehcares says:

    I agree. It just raises the dropout rate.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Do you practice social work in Michigan? I was doing social work in Chicago a few years back and had similar thoughts about Chicago Public Schools.

    Liked by 1 person

    • msw blog says:

      I believe it is become a trend in predominantly black cities with the worst academically performing school districts. I think the questions that need to be asked is “Why are these schools underperforming?” “Why does it appear to only be happening in communities of color” and “How do we began to fix this problem?”


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