Surprise Interview

On a crowded London commuter train, an early morning rider shoved and insulted a fellow passenger who got in his way. It was the kind of unfortunate and mindless moment that usually remains unresolved. But later that day, the unexpected happened. A business manager sent a quick message to his social media friends, “Guess who just showed up for a job interview.” When his explanation appeared on the Internet, people all over the world winced and smiled. Imagine walking into a job interview only to discover that the person who greets you is the one you had shoved and sworn at earlier that day.  – DB


This is, hands down, one of the best quitting videos EVER! I would never personally do it; after all, my tag line is “Build More Bridges Than Walls”, nor would I recommended it to my clients or students. It just isn’t wise and the anecdote above proves it. I agree with Michelle Obama “When they go low we go high.” When you know it’s time to say farewell do the following:

  • Write a resignation letter. It may seem old fashioned, but it’s best to gather your thoughts, write down a few of your major accomplishments on the job, and thank your employer.
  • Give them time. Two weeks may sound like a lot, but respect goes a long way and leaving someone in a lurch is not ever a good idea. They will appreciate it.
  • Hold your tongue. Wait for the exit interview to explain issues you may have with the company, and then still only provide constructive criticism.
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4 Responses to Surprise Interview

  1. Fun post. The interview story is priceless

    Liked by 1 person

  2. alygeorges says:

    Great post. There’s this principle I learned in high school: the ‘golden rule’, where people are advised to treat others the way they would like others to treat them. If we all lived by it, such things wouldn’t be happening because we’d always take a moment to think how our actions/words affect others…Sadly, very few people live by it so it mostly remains just a principle in theory.

    Liked by 1 person

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