Secrets to Faking a Clean House

Turn up the lights – Studies have shown that people perceive well-lit spaces as cleaner than dimly lit ones. One 2013 experiment found that people even believed litter looked cleaner in bright light. “It goes back to ancient times, when sunlight was associated with health,” says Vincent P. Magnini, a professor of marketing and hospitality management at Longwood University who has researched the perception of cleanliness. “Natural light is best — open up your blinds!” Still, he cautions that bright lighting can backfire if you haven’t recently dusted, so be mindful of obviously dusty spots, such as the TV.

Do a surface wipe – While picking up or putting away your stuff goes a long way, it can’t hide the dust bunnies frolicking on your floor or the mysterious goop on your kitchen counter. “People really notice if you wipe down the most visible surfaces — floors, kitchen countertops, get the soap scum off the powder room sink,” says Grace Reynolds, co-founder of the American House Cleaners Association. “Plus, give attention to anything that has a sheen or that can show smudges — mirrors, the glass on your front door.”

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4 Responses to Secrets to Faking a Clean House

  1. I’ve always thought that photographs show up rooms cleaner than they are.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My husband wants to invent a house where all horizontal surfaces tip every twenty-four hours and dump accumulated clutter onto the floor, forcing someone to pick it up and put it away. … I don’t think that would be helpful. :/


    • msw blog says:

      Sounds like something that Dr. Seuss, or Willy Wonka would create. A more practical idea would be the basket method— empty basket and go around the house and/or the room you’re in and toss everything into a basket. At the end of the day/week or whenever it gets full, put everything away.


  3. That’s probably why the Tilt Method never caught on. 😏

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