Restorative Practices

Three restorative practices to help you enjoy moments of peace every day: Stillness: Stillness is a key ingredient in a peaceful life. Nature provides an ideal backdrop for cultivating stillness, whether you’re lying in the grass, floating in water, or sitting on a park bench. Silence: Taking just five minutes to sit in silence can elicit a profound sense of peace. Start to notice where there’s extra noise in or around your life, and see if you can invite more intentional quiet: for example, turning your phone off during certain times, or taking a walk without headphones. Rhythm: Gentle, deliberate rhythms open pathways to peace. Moving in sync with natural rhythms, whether walking, dancing, chopping veggies, or simply tuning in to the sounds of nature, invites peace to emerge from within. Give it a try. Practice sinking into the soft sense of peace in stillness, silence, and rhythms of your everyday life.

Positively Purging-I welcome your feedbacks in the comments and your likes and passing the real life wisdom on to others as I embark on this new venture of “positively purging“, as I know each of these pieces represents something…

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