Tag Archives: inspirations

Careful Projection

When I am working on a project, I am always am careful about all the things that I look at, what other photographs look at, what movies I watch. Your brain takes those things, put them in the mixer and … Continue reading

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Inspire yourself

“My father and his family came from Cuba with nothing and fashioned a new life with freedom, hard work, and perseverance. I understand deeply that my life, and the privileges it comes with, exist because they were hard fought for. … Continue reading

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Culinary Dreams

“If you read good books, when you write, good books will come out of you,” wrote Natalie Goldberg in Writing Down the Bones. Thus, I imagined, if you read good cookbooks, good food would come out of your kitchen. Positively Purging-I … Continue reading

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Beautiful Stacks

There are some books you’ll re-read time and time again, and some books you’ll only reference occasionally. And while you’ll want to keep the former easily accessible, you can bear to get a little more creative with the latter. One … Continue reading

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Wordy Inspiration

I like to be able to pull open a book and read a passage and be inspired. Positively Purging-I welcome your feedbacks in the comments and your likes and passing the real-life wisdom on to others as I embark on … Continue reading

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