Tag Archives: conversations


Take a moment right now to do a short self-assessment.   Contemplate what your most common tendencies are when dealing with challenging situations  These are all questions designed to help you become more aware of what drives you, what frustrates you, … Continue reading

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How to Cope When There’s So Much Bad News

Take care of yourself. “I tell my patients: You have to be in good fighting shape to cope with the current turbulence.” That means boosting your resilience by sleeping, eating and exercising well and engaging in life-affirming activities. Focus on … Continue reading

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Types of stress 

Environmental stressors: Your environment bombards you with demands too quickly to enable you to adjust to such things as snow storms, traffic, noise, and pollution. Social stressors: Deadlines, financial problems, job interviews, loss of loved ones, and disagreements all tax your coping … Continue reading

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If you’re not inclined to stop and breathe or meditate in the moment, then laugh! Laughter prompts a diaphragmatic breath, which releases dopamine and serotonin, and reduces stress, anxiety and muscle tension. Create your own “laugh track” such as jokes or … Continue reading

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Highly Favored

Celebratory vibes are coming your way as your family starts to grow. The love that you have experienced this year has brought your life full circle. Success can come in so many forms, and you have been highly favored in … Continue reading

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